Aviation Scholarships

Did you know that there are LOTS of scholarship opportunities for flight training?!

Our mission at Parrish Aviation is to enable people to accomplish their dreams, and these scholarships do just that. They make the impossible, possible!

Here is a list(in no particular order) of some of the scholarships out students have used:

#1 - EAA

Local EAA Chapters give out scholarships to their active members.

To qualify for this funding you will need to find your local EAA Chapter and get involved.


#2 - Make-A-Pilot Foundation

Make-A-Pilot offers 2 $5,000 scholarships every month toward Private Pilot!

Here are the eligibility requirements:

  1. Between the ages of 15-25

  2. US citizen or permanent resident

  3. Must read, write and speak English to FAA standards

  4. Must be able to pass FAA medical

The scholarship is applied to through social media.


#3 - AOPA

AOPA has scholarships available in 4 categories:

  1. High School Flight Training Scholarship

  2. Teacher Flight Training Scholarship

  3. Primary Flight Training Scholarship

  4. Advanced Rating Scholarship

The window for 2022 opens November 1, 2021 through February 11, 2022!


#4 - High Schools

There are some high schools that offer scholarships or grants to their students for flight training. Ask your high school if they have any such programs!

There are many more scholarship opportunities than the ones listed as well.

If you are committed to finding a way to pay for your flight training, scholarships take some effort but are highly rewarding.

Thanks for reading!

Jack Parrish, CEO


AATD Flight Simulator


How To Choose A Flight School