Tailwheel Training

Aeronca Champion 7AC

Parrish Aviation’s Aeronca Champion for Tailwheel Training

Price - $210/hr dual instruction

Tailwheel Endorsement

  • 5-10 hrs of dual flight time (depending on background)

  • 1-2 hrs of ground instruction

  • All tailwheel training will be billed hourly


Cessna 172 - Tailwheel Conversion

Parrish Aviation’s Tailwheel Cessna 172

Price - $252/hr dual instruction

Tailwheel Endorsement

  • 5-10 hrs of dual flight time (depending on background)

  • 1-2 hrs of ground instruction

  • All tailwheel training will be billed hourly

  • The tailwheel 172 is an easier transition for those with previous experience in a 172


Tailwheel FAQ’s

  • The best way to prepare is to read the Airplane Flying Handbook Ch. 14 on Tailwheel Transition.

  • Legally you could fly a tailwheel of any category/class/type that your pilot certificate allowed you to fly. We do however recommend a checkout in any new tailwheel aircraft for the sake of proficiency.

  • The minimum age to start training is 15.

  • A normal tailwheel endorsement is around 7-8 hrs of flight time. This of course depends on the experience of the pilot. If you are a CFI with a few flights in a tailwheel already, you may only need 4-5 hrs. If you are a student pilot or a complete novice, you will likely require 10+ hrs. The Federal Aviation Regulations have no minimum time requirement, only proficiency requirements in specific tasks per CFR 61.31, so it is up to your instructor to judge if you are proficient or not.

  • We fly out of the Dallas Executive Airport (KRBD), which is a Class D.

  • Absolutely! There is no question that tailwheel airplanes require precise longitudinal alignment with the runway, attentive control of the rudder on takeoff and landing, and more intentional aileron control on takeoff and landing than their tricycle gear counterparts. A tricycle gear aircraft can be flown just as precisely, however they tend to be much more forgiving and can cause pilots to develop bad habits they may not even be aware of. Tailwheel flying is a fun, achievable challenge to grow your skillset and experience.